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Case of 6 Honey and Royal Jelly 250 g

Case of 6 Honey and Royal Jelly 250 g

Regular price $47.88 USD
Regular price Sale price $47.88 USD
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Experience the natural richness of Honey with Royal Jelly, a combination of two of nature's finest gifts from the hive. Royal Jelly is a remarkable substance secreted by bees through their frontal pharyngeal glands during a specific period of their lives. It starts as a liquid, but upon contact with air, it thickens and can solidify. This unique substance boasts a distinctive taste that's both robust and acidic, and it's exclusively reserved for the queen bee throughout her lifetime.

Nutritional Masterpiece: Honey with Royal Jelly is a nutritional powerhouse. It's packed with high levels of proteins, including essential amino acids like arginine, valine, lysine, methionine, proline, serine, and glycine. It's also abundant in sugars and rich in vitamins from the B and E groups, minerals such as iron, calcium, sodium, manganese, copper, potassium, zinc, and essential trace elements. Additionally, it contains natural antibiotics.

The Best of Both Worlds: Our Honey with Royal Jelly combines the exquisite taste of honey with the nutritional potency of Royal Jelly. It's a harmonious fusion of two of the finest gifts from the bee world, offering a unique and delightful flavor profile.

Versatile Delight: This exceptional honey with Royal Jelly can be a delightful addition to your daily routine. Whether you're enjoying it with fresh fruit, dairy products, nuts, or cereals, it's perfect for breakfast or as a snack throughout the day.

• Made by Alemany
• Size: 8.8 oz (250 g)
• Ingredients: Honey and Royal Jelly
• Product of Spain

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